Found this trippy little blog called PostSecret. People send in homemade postcards with a secret they have never told anyone. A lot of them are dopey ("I will always love her," or "She never gave me a chance") or self-indulgent ("I had gay sex at church camp three times" or "There is reason to believe I was a pre-honeymoon baby... and evidence that my mother still has not forgiven me for this"). A handful are starkly beautiful ("I still haven't told my father I have the same disease that killed my mother"). But each of them tells a story.
This one is my favorite:

Imagine having the ability to start your life completely over. Imagine having to do that. Taking the disaster of the 9/11 attacks, and using that to just... disappear.
I don't know who this person is, or what kind of person he/she was before or after the attack, or why they felt the need to runaway during the attack. But I hope they were able to make the most out of their new life.
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