The continuing chronicle of Wesley's quest to be published; plus comments on popular culture, family life, and whatever else falls out of his head.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Pastor Dan Green spoke at church on Sunday morning. He's in charge of overseas ministries. Neither Carrie nor I enjoy Pastor Dan Green. I'm sure he's fine, but to me he's deadly dull, and Carrie believes he's a little misogynistic from previous comments he's made.

One thing I noticed about his talk, however, was that, for the second week in a row, from two different pastors, the call to service was hit, and hit hard. Last week it was the overt sermon topic, and this past Sunday it was heavily encouraged for us to get involved in the lives of the 'internationals' in Columbus via the church's 'international missions' program. (Why it isn't under Pastor Phil's community outreach program I don't know).

From there we went to a graduation party for Adam Cook. He had it with four friends at the church AC Chapel, or as we used to call it, South Campus. The mother of one of the boys, Zach Miller, had died Saturday night, and he wasn't there. But the rest of them were, and the mood was fun.

Adam, of course, was Adam. Carrie and I went with the Shindles, and when Adam saw us he squealed, ran over to us, and commenced to talking for about seven minutes straight. At his presentation table, he had a bunch of his artwork. He's really quite talented, and Carrie and I are discussing the possibility of commissioning him to do a charcoal drawing for our library.


Not much to say for the rest of the afternoon: Came home, took a nap, played with the phone some more, then went up to Mike & Margaret's house to get an early start on Monday.


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