The continuing chronicle of Wesley's quest to be published; plus comments on popular culture, family life, and whatever else falls out of his head.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Superbowl XXXIX


That was underwhelming.

I've probably gotten more into pro football this year than I have since my family moved away from San Francisco at the end of the Montana era, so this was the first game in a long time where I was actually paying more attention to the players than I was to the commercials (not that the commercials really warranted any attention either.

But still, what happened to the Eagles in the final minutes of the game? I swear to you that McNabb was making plays that make me wonder if he was getting paid to throw the game. The pressure of being in his first Superbowl probably just got to him, but, geez, the number of interceptions during a Superbowl was simply unacceptable.

Yes, it was a close game, but not an especially exciting one. There were how many possessions in the first quarter, 10-12? I think there were a few where the offensive team had their three downs and punted with less than a minute of possession.

All together, I would call the game "Disappointing."


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